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[XaraXtreme-commits] Commit Complete

Commit by  : alex
Repository : xara
Revision   : 799
Date       : Tue Apr 11 10:11:16 BST 2006

Changed paths:
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/dlgmgr.cpp
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/dlgview.cpp
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/drawctl.cpp
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/drawctl.h
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/osrndrgn.cpp

Fix up mouse handling in owner drawn controls (risk of SEGV)
Fix up broken DPI handling in dlgview.cpp
Add OSRenderRegion functions to render text and resource bitmaps

Index: Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/drawctl.h
--- Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/drawctl.h	(revision 798)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/drawctl.h	(revision 799)
@@ -192,6 +192,7 @@
 	// EventHandlers
 	void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent & event);
+	void OnMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent & event);
 	void OnInvoke(wxCamDrawControlEvent& event);
 	virtual void SetStyle(wxCamDrawControlStyle style) { m_CamDrawControlStyle=style; }
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/dlgview.cpp
--- Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/dlgview.cpp	(revision 798)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/dlgview.cpp	(revision 799)
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@
 #include "dlgview.h"
 #include "vstate.h"
 #include "errors.h"
+#include "osrndrgn.h"
@@ -131,7 +132,10 @@
 	// Get pixel size from screen DC.
 	INT32					pixwidth, pixheight;
-	wxScreenDC().GetSize( &pixwidth, &pixheight ); // NB wxScreenDC() creates temp. wxScreenDC object
+	wxScreenDC dc;
+	wxSize ppi = OSRenderRegion::GetFixedDCPPI(dc);
+	pixwidth=ppi.GetWidth();
+	pixheight=ppi.GetHeight();
 	// Set up our pixel size
 	PixelWidth = FIXED16(72000.0 / pixwidth);
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/drawctl.cpp
--- Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/drawctl.cpp	(revision 798)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/drawctl.cpp	(revision 799)
@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@
 BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxCamDrawControl, wxControl)
+	EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS(wxCamDrawControl::OnMouseEvent)
 IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS( wxCamDrawControlXmlHandler, wxXmlResourceHandler)
@@ -184,7 +185,44 @@
+>	void wxCamDrawControl::OnMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent & event)
+	Author:		Alex_Bligh <alex@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+	Created:	30/12/2005
+	Inputs:		event - the event
+	Outputs:	-
+	Returns:	-
+	Purpose:	Handles mouse events
+	Errors:		-
+	SeeAlso:	-
+void wxCamDrawControl::OnMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent & event)
+	// Irritatingly wxMouseEvent does not propagate to the parent, but we expect it to.
+	// so we have to fake it (sigh)
+	// event.Skip(); // pretend we did not handle it, so it falls through to the dialog
+	if ( !(GetExtraStyle() & wxWS_EX_BLOCK_EVENTS) )
+	{
+		wxWindow * pParent = GetParent();
+		if (pParent && !pParent->IsBeingDeleted())
+		{
+			wxEvtHandler *pHandler = pParent->GetEventHandler();
+			if (pHandler && pHandler->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(DialogEventHandler))) // Only propagate to our own dialogs
+			{
+				pHandler->ProcessEvent(event);
+			}
+		}
+	}
 >	void wxCamDrawControl::OnInvoke(wxCamDrawControlEvent & event)
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/dlgmgr.cpp
--- Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/dlgmgr.cpp	(revision 798)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/dlgmgr.cpp	(revision 799)
@@ -992,9 +992,69 @@
+	// Handle filling in ExtraInfo on redraw events
+	if ((msg.DlgMsg != DIM_NONE) && pGadget && pGadget->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxCamDrawControl)) && event.IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxMouseEvent)))
+	{
+		switch (msg.DlgMsg)
+		{
+			case DIM_LFT_BN_DOWN:
+			case DIM_LFT_BN_UP:
+			case DIM_RGT_BN_DOWN:
+			case DIM_RGT_BN_UP:
+			case DIM_MOUSE_DRAG:
+			case DIM_MOUSE_MOVE:
+			{
+				// HDC hDC = pInfo->PaintInfo.hdc;
+				// HPALETTE OldPalette = PaletteManager::StartPaintPalette(hDC);
+				ReDrawInfoType ExtraInfo;
+				ExtraInfo.pMousePos = NULL;		// No mouse position info for redraw events
+				// Build a CC dc out of it for rendering to the screen
+				// Get a MFC CDC to put the DC in
+				CCPaintDC MyDc(pGadget);
+				ExtraInfo.pDC = NULL;
+				// The devices DPI
+				ExtraInfo.Dpi = OSRenderRegion::GetFixedDCPPI(MyDc).GetHeight();
+				// How big the window is
+				wxSize WindowSize = pGadget->GetClientSize();
+				ExtraInfo.dx = (((INT32)WindowSize.GetWidth())*72000) / ExtraInfo.Dpi;
+				ExtraInfo.dy = (((INT32)WindowSize.GetHeight())*72000) / ExtraInfo.Dpi;
+				// Work out the MILLIPOINT coordinates of the mouse position
+				// Note that the Y value is flipped, as the kernel-origin is at the bottom left
+				INT32 XPos = ((wxMouseEvent *)(&event))->GetX();
+				INT32 YPos = ((wxMouseEvent *)(&event))->GetY();
+				DocCoord MousePos;
+				MousePos.x = (XPos * 72000) / ExtraInfo.Dpi;
+				MousePos.y = ExtraInfo.dy - ((YPos * 72000) / ExtraInfo.Dpi);
+				ExtraInfo.pMousePos = &MousePos;
+				BROADCAST_TO_CLASS(DialogMsg(pEvtHandler->pwxWindow, msg.DlgMsg, id, (UINT_PTR)(void *)&ExtraInfo, PageID), DialogOp);
+				msg.DlgMsg = DIM_NONE; // Stop further processing
+			}
+			default:
+				break;
+		}
+	}
 	// If we have a message to send, then send it (or defer it for later)
 	if (msg.DlgMsg != DIM_NONE)
 		if (Defer)
 			// We should send the message out later - we use the same ID
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/osrndrgn.cpp
--- Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/osrndrgn.cpp	(revision 798)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/osrndrgn.cpp	(revision 799)
@@ -2200,17 +2200,22 @@
 void OSRenderRegion::DrawFixedSystemText(StringBase *TheText, DocRect &BoundsRect, UINT32 uFormat /* = FORMAT_SINGLELINE | FORMAT_NOPREFIX | FORMAT_VCENTER */)
-	PORTNOTETRACE("text","OSRenderRegion::DrawFixedSystemText - do nothing");
-	WinRect Rect(0,0,0,0);
+	wxString Text = (wxString)(TCHAR *)(*TheText);
+	wxRect Rect(0,0,0,0);
 	if (uFormat & FORMAT_CALCRECT) // just calculate the rect needed to draw the text and return
 		INT32 LineHeight = 0;
 		// This won't actually draw the text, instead it returns a rectangle in 'Rect'	
-		LineHeight = RenderDC->DrawText((TCHAR *) (*TheText), -1, &Rect, uFormat);
+		// LineHeight = RenderDC->DrawText((TCHAR *) (*TheText), -1, &Rect, uFormat);
+		LineHeight = RenderDC->GetCharHeight();
+		wxCoord w, h;
+		RenderDC->GetTextExtent(Text, &w, &h);
+		Rect = wxRect(0, 0, w, h);
-		INT32 XDPI = GetDeviceCaps(RenderDC->m_hDC, LOGPIXELSX);
-		INT32 YDPI = GetDeviceCaps(RenderDC->m_hDC, LOGPIXELSY);
+		wxDC * pDC = RenderDC;
+		wxSize DPI = GetFixedDCPPI(*pDC);
+		INT32 XDPI = DPI.GetWidth();
+		INT32 YDPI = DPI.GetHeight();
 		if(XDPI == 0 || YDPI == 0 || LineHeight == 0)
@@ -2226,24 +2231,24 @@
-	Rect = DocRectToWin(BoundsRect, 0,-1,1,0, TRUE);
+	Rect = DocRectToWin(BoundsRect, 0,0,0,0, TRUE);
+	// Rect = DocRectToWin(BoundsRect, 0,-1,1,0, TRUE);
 	// Small 'fix' - If we DrawRect the 'BoundsRect' then windows draws the text 1 pixel
 	// further to the right than the rectangle. This just ensures that the text is always
 	// clipped inside the rectangle rather than outside (at worst, a pixel too far inside)
 	if (Rect.width>0)		// Still a valid rectangle?
-		Rect.x--;
-		INT32 LineHeight;
+//		Rect.x--;
+//		INT32 LineHeight;
+		RenderDC->DrawText(Text, Rect.GetLeft(), Rect.GetTop());
-		LineHeight = RenderDC->DrawText((TCHAR *) (*TheText), -1, &Rect, uFormat);
+//		LineHeight = RenderDC->DrawText((TCHAR *) (*TheText), -1, &Rect, uFormat);
-		ENSURE(LineHeight > 0, "OSRenderRegion::DrawFixedSystemText failed");
+//		ENSURE(LineHeight > 0, "OSRenderRegion::DrawFixedSystemText failed");
@@ -2328,37 +2333,39 @@
 void OSRenderRegion::GetFixedSystemTextSize(StringBase *TheText, DocRect *BoundsRect, double* atDpi)
-	PORTNOTETRACE("text","OSRenderRegion::GetFixedSystemTextSize - do nothing");
+	wxString Text = (wxString)(TCHAR *)(*TheText);
 	ERROR3IF(TheText == NULL, "OSRenderRegion::GetFixedSystemTextSize given a null text pointer");
 	ERROR3IF(BoundsRect == NULL, "OSRenderRegion::GetFixedSystemTextSize given a null bounds rect pointer");
 	if(TheText == NULL || BoundsRect == NULL)
-	WinRect Rect(0,0,0,0);
 	INT32 LineHeight = 0;
 	// This won't actually draw the text, instead it returns a rectangle in 'Rect'	
-	LineHeight = RenderDC->DrawText((TCHAR *) (*TheText), -1, &Rect,
+	// LineHeight = RenderDC->DrawText((TCHAR *) (*TheText), -1, &Rect, uFormat);
+	LineHeight = RenderDC->GetCharHeight();
+	wxCoord w, h;
+	RenderDC->GetTextExtent(Text, &w, &h);
+	wxRect Rect(0, 0, w, h);
-	INT32 XDPI = GetDeviceCaps(RenderDC->m_hDC, LOGPIXELSX);
-	INT32 YDPI = GetDeviceCaps(RenderDC->m_hDC, LOGPIXELSY);
+	wxDC * pDC = RenderDC;
+	wxSize DPI = GetFixedDCPPI(*pDC);
+	INT32 XDPI = DPI.GetWidth();
+	INT32 YDPI = DPI.GetHeight();
 	if(XDPI == 0 || YDPI == 0 || LineHeight == 0)
-		ERROR3("OSRenderRegion::GetFixedSystemTextSize failed");
-	  	*BoundsRect = DocRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
+		ERROR3("Can not calculate text size");
+		*BoundsRect = DocRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
 	// For some reason, Rect.bottom and Rect.top seem to be incorrect, so we have
 	// to use the returned LineHeight value
 	*BoundsRect = DocRect(0, 0,
-						  (INT32)(((double)Rect.width * IN_MP_VAL) / XDPI),
-						  (INT32)(((double)LineHeight * IN_MP_VAL) / YDPI) );
+							(INT32)(((double)Rect.width * IN_MP_VAL) / XDPI),
+							(INT32)(((double)LineHeight * IN_MP_VAL) / YDPI) );
+	return;
@@ -3355,105 +3362,25 @@
 void OSRenderRegion::DrawBitmap(const DocCoord &Point, UINT32 BitmapID, UINT32 ToolID)
-	PORTNOTETRACE("other","OSRenderRegion::DrawBitmap - do nothing");
 	// If we are not drawing complex shapes and this shape is, then return
 	if ((!RenderComplexShapes) && (TestForComplexShape(&Caps)))
+	wxBitmap * pBitmap=CamArtProvider::Get()->FindBitmap((ResourceID)BitmapID);
-	if (ToolID != NULL)
-	{
-		// Find the tool that contains our Bitmap	
-		OILTool* pTheTool = Tool::GetOILTool(ToolID);
-		if (pTheTool == NULL)
-		{
-			TRACE( _T("Couldn't find the tool in DrawBitmapBlob
-			return;
-		}
-		// Ask the Tool to load the bitmap and return a Handle
-		hBmp = pTheTool->LoadBitmap(BitmapID);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		// No tool was specified, so we'll try the Kernel
-		hBmp = ::LoadBitmap(AfxGetResourceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(BitmapID));
-	}
-	if (hBmp == 0) 
-	{	
-		TRACE( _T("Bitmap failed to Load in DrawBitmapBlob
+	if (!pBitmap)
-	}
-	// Make a Bitmap Object 
-	CBitmap Bitmap;
-	BOOL ok = Bitmap.Attach(hBmp);
-	if (!ok) 
-	{	
-		TRACE( _T("CBitmap failed to create in DrawBitmapBlob
-		return;
-	}
-	// Find out how big the Bitmap Info is
-	INT32 NumBytes = GetObject(hBmp, 0, NULL);
-	// Make a Info Structure big enough to hold it
-	if (pBmpInfo == NULL) 
-	{
-		TRACE( _T("Not enough memory for BitmapInfo in DrawBitmapBlob
-		return;
-	}
-	// Get Info on the Bitmap
-	GetObject(hBmp, NumBytes, pBmpInfo);
 	// Extract the Width and Height
-	INT32 Width  = pBmpInfo->biWidth;
-	INT32 Height = pBmpInfo->biHeight;
+	// INT32 Width  = pBitmap->GetWidth();
+	INT32 Height = pBitmap->GetHeight();
-	delete pBmpInfo;	// Don't need this any more
 	// Convert the DocCoord into a windows coord
-	POINT Origin = DocCoordToWin(Point);
+	wxPoint Origin = DocCoordToWin(Point);
 	Origin.y = Origin.y - Height;	// Translate bottom left to top left
-	CDC MemDC;
-	// Create a Memory DC based on this render region
-	MemDC.CreateCompatibleDC(RenderDC);
-	// And select the Bitmap into it
-	CBitmap* OldBmp = MemDC.SelectObject(&Bitmap);
+	RenderDC->DrawBitmap(*pBitmap, Origin.x, Origin.y, TRUE);
-	if (OldBmp == NULL) 
-	{
-		TRACE( _T("Couldn't select Bitmap into CDC in DrawBitmapBlob
-		return;
-	}
-	// Plot the bitmap onto this render region
-	RenderDC->BitBlt(			Origin.x, Origin.y,
-								Width,
-								Height,
-								&MemDC,
-								0,0,
-								SRCCOPY
-								);
-	// Unselect our bitmap and delete it
-	MemDC.SelectObject(OldBmp);
-	ok = Bitmap.DeleteObject();
-	if (!ok)
-	{
-	 	TRACE( _T("Delete Bitmap failed in DrawBitmapBlob
-	}
 BOOL OSRenderRegion::DrawTransformedBitmap(NodeBitmap *pNodeBitmap)
