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[XaraXtreme-commits] Commit Complete

Commit by  : alex
Repository : xara
Revision   : 1192
Date       : Thu May 25 20:39:39 BST 2006

Changed paths:
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/Scripts/build-resources.pl


Index: Trunk/XaraLX/Scripts/build-resources.pl
--- Trunk/XaraLX/Scripts/build-resources.pl	(revision 1191)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/Scripts/build-resources.pl	(revision 1192)
@@ -139,7 +139,10 @@
 # Resource system
-# We don't bother with timestamps. Just as quick to mdsum these things like subversion does
+# get the timestamp
+my $omtime=0;
+$omtime=(stat("$outputdir/resources.h"))[9]; # this may fail, in which case it looks like it was generated at the epoch
 opendir(DIR, "$topdir/wxOil/xrc") || die "Can't open $topdir/wxOil/xrc: $!";
 my @resfiles=sort grep { /^[^\#].*\.(png|ico|cur|bmp|res|xar)$/ } readdir(DIR);
@@ -149,16 +152,38 @@
 my @xrcfiles=sort grep { /^[^\#].*\.xrc$/ } readdir(DIR);
+my $newer=0;
 my $f;
 foreach $f (@xrcfiles)
     $f = "$topdir/wxOil/xrc/$xaralanguage/".$f;
+    if ((stat($f))[9] > $omtime)
+    {
+	$newer=1;
+    }
 foreach $f (@resfiles)
-    $f = "$topdir/wxOil/xrc//".$f;
+    $f = "$topdir/wxOil/xrc/".$f;
+    if ((stat($f))[9] > $omtime)
+    {
+	$newer=1;
+    }
+if ((stat("$topdir/wxOil/xrc/$xaralanguage"))[9] > $omtime)
+    $newer=1;
+if ((stat("$topdir/wxOil/xrc"))[9] > $omtime)
+    $newer=1;
+# If there are no newer files, and force isn't set, exit without even doing the checksum
+exit(0) if (!$newer && !$force);
 my @dialogfiles = sort grep { $_ !~ /-strings\.xrc$/ } @xrcfiles;
 my @stringfiles = sort grep { $_ =~ /-strings\.xrc$/ } @xrcfiles;
