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[XaraXtreme-commits] Commit Complete

Commit by  : luke
Repository : xara
Revision   : 1757
Date       : Wed Sep 20 10:36:30 BST 2006

Changed paths:
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/tools/zoomops.cpp
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/tools/zoomops.h
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/xrc/EN/justin-strings.xrc
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/xrc/EN/xaralx-bars.xrc

Back port of Camelot "zoom to 100%" code

Index: Trunk/XaraLX/tools/zoomops.cpp
--- Trunk/XaraLX/tools/zoomops.cpp	(revision 1756)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/tools/zoomops.cpp	(revision 1757)
@@ -149,6 +149,10 @@
 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_RALPH)
 CC_IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(ZoomInfoBarOp, InformationBarOp)
@@ -641,7 +645,35 @@
+>	void OpZoom::ZoomTo(const WorkCoord& wcZoom, int nPercent, BOOL fEndOp = TRUE)
+	Author:		JustinF
+	Created:	23/4/95
+	Inputs:		wcZoom			the point to zoom in at
+				fEndOp			whether to end this operation after this zoom
+	Purpose:	Zooms into the current DocView by one step.  By default this function
+				will call the End() function for this operation afterwards.
+void OpZoom::ZoomTo(const WorkCoord& wcZoom, int nPercent, BOOL fEndOp)
+	// Find out the current view.
+	DocView* pDocView = DocView::GetCurrent();
+	ERROR3IF(pDocView == 0, "No current DocView in OpZoom::ZoomIn");
+	if (pDocView)
+	{
+		// Do the zoom.  We will (optionally) end the operation.
+		FIXED16		f16Scale = FIXED16(nPercent) / 100;
+		ZoomAtPoint(wcZoom, f16Scale, FALSE);
+	}
+	// End the operation if the caller wants us to.
+	if (fEndOp) End();
 >	void OpZoom::ZoomIn(const WorkCoord& wcZoom, BOOL fEndOp = TRUE)
@@ -1017,7 +1049,11 @@
 			!new OpZoomFitSpreadDescriptor ||
 			!new OpZoomFitDrawingDescriptor ||
 			!new OpZoomFitSelectedDescriptor ||
-			!new OpZoomFitRectDescriptor,
+			!new OpZoomFitRectDescriptor ||
+			!OpZoomTo100::Init() ||
+			!OpZoomTo200::Init() ||
+			!OpZoomTo300::Init() ||
+			!OpZoomTo400::Init(),
@@ -1132,6 +1168,277 @@
+// class OpZoomTo100
+BOOL OpZoomTo100::Init()
+	BOOL ok = RegisterOpDescriptor(
+									0, 
+									_R(IDS_ZOOMTO100),
+									CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(OpZoomTo100), 
+									OPTOKEN_ZOOMTO100,
+									OpZoomTo100::GetState,
+									0,					/* help ID */
+									_R(IDBBL_ZOOMTO100),/* bubble ID */
+									0					/* bitmap ID */
+									);
+	return ok;
+>	static OpState OpZoomToo100::GetState(String_256* Description, OpDescriptor*)
+	Author:		Luke Hart
+	Created:	18/09/06
+	Inputs:		Description = ptr to place description of why this op can't happen
+				pOpDesc     = ptr to the Op Desc associated with this op
+	Outputs:	-
+	Returns:	An OpState object
+	Purpose:    Func for determining the usability of this op
+	SeeAlso:	-
+OpState OpZoomTo100::GetState(String_256* Description, OpDescriptor*)
+	OpState State;
+	return State;
+>	virtual void OpZoomToo100::Do(OpDescriptor* pOpDesc)
+	Author:		Luke Hart
+	Created:	18/09/06
+	Inputs:		pointer to the OpZoomDescriptor being invoked
+	Purpose:	Calls the base class function to zoom to 100%!
+void OpZoomTo100::Do(OpDescriptor *pOpDesc)
+	// Ok! lets zoom in!
+	DocView* pDocView = DocView::GetCurrent();
+	if(pDocView)
+	{
+		const WorkRect ZoomRect = pDocView->GetViewRect();
+		ZoomTo( ZoomRect.Centre(), 100 );
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		ERROR3IF(pDocView == 0, "No current DocView found!");
+	}
+// class OpZoomTo200
+BOOL OpZoomTo200::Init()
+	BOOL ok = RegisterOpDescriptor(
+									0, 
+									_R(IDS_ZOOMTO200),
+									CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(OpZoomTo200), 
+									OPTOKEN_ZOOMTO200,
+									OpZoomTo200::GetState,
+									0,					/* help ID */
+									_R(IDBBL_ZOOMTO200),/* bubble ID */
+									0					/* bitmap ID */
+									);
+	return ok;
+>	static OpState OpZoomTo200::GetState(String_256* Description, OpDescriptor*)
+	Author:		Luke Hart
+	Created:	18/09/06
+	Inputs:		Description = ptr to place description of why this op can't happen
+				pOpDesc     = ptr to the Op Desc associated with this op
+	Outputs:	-
+	Returns:	An OpState object
+	Purpose:    Func for determining the usability of this op
+	SeeAlso:	-
+OpState OpZoomTo200::GetState(String_256* Description, OpDescriptor*)
+	OpState State;
+	return State;
+>	virtual void OpZoomTo200::Do(OpDescriptor* pOpDesc)
+	Author:		Luke Hart
+	Created:	18/09/06
+	Inputs:		pointer to the OpZoomDescriptor being invoked
+	Purpose:	Calls the base class function to zoom to 200%!
+void OpZoomTo200::Do(OpDescriptor *pOpDesc)
+	// Ok! lets zoom in!
+	DocView* pDocView = DocView::GetCurrent();
+	if(pDocView)
+	{
+		const WorkRect ZoomRect = pDocView->GetViewRect();
+		ZoomTo( ZoomRect.Centre(), 200 );
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		ERROR3IF(pDocView == 0, "No current DocView found!");
+	}
+// class OpZoomTo400
+BOOL OpZoomTo300::Init()
+	BOOL ok = RegisterOpDescriptor(
+									0, 
+									_R(IDS_ZOOMTO300),
+									CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(OpZoomTo300), 
+									OPTOKEN_ZOOMTO300,
+									OpZoomTo300::GetState,
+									0,					/* help ID */
+									_R(IDBBL_ZOOMTO300),/* bubble ID */
+									0					/* bitmap ID */
+									);
+	return ok;
+>	static OpState OpZoomToo100::GetState(String_256* Description, OpDescriptor*)
+	Author:		Luke Hart
+	Created:	18/09/06
+	Inputs:		Description = ptr to place description of why this op can't happen
+				pOpDesc     = ptr to the Op Desc associated with this op
+	Outputs:	-
+	Returns:	An OpState object
+	Purpose:    Func for determining the usability of this op
+	SeeAlso:	-
+OpState OpZoomTo300::GetState(String_256* Description, OpDescriptor*)
+	OpState State;
+	return State;
+>	virtual void OpZoomTo300::Do(OpDescriptor* pOpDesc)
+	Author:		Luke Hart
+	Created:	18/09/06
+	Inputs:		pointer to the OpZoomDescriptor being invoked
+	Purpose:	Calls the base class function to zoom to 300%!
+void OpZoomTo300::Do(OpDescriptor *pOpDesc)
+	// Ok! lets zoom in!
+	DocView* pDocView = DocView::GetCurrent();
+	if(pDocView)
+	{
+		const WorkRect ZoomRect = pDocView->GetViewRect();
+		ZoomTo( ZoomRect.Centre(), 300 );
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		ERROR3IF(pDocView == 0, "No current DocView found!");
+	}
+// class OpZoomTo400
+BOOL OpZoomTo400::Init()
+	BOOL ok = RegisterOpDescriptor(
+									0, 
+									_R(IDS_ZOOMTO400),
+									CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(OpZoomTo400), 
+									OPTOKEN_ZOOMTO400,
+									OpZoomTo400::GetState,
+									0,					/* help ID */
+									_R(IDBBL_ZOOMTO400),/* bubble ID */
+									0					/* bitmap ID */
+									);
+	return ok;
+>	static OpState OpZoomToo100::GetState(String_256* Description, OpDescriptor*)
+	Author:		Luke Hart
+	Created:	18/09/06
+	Inputs:		Description = ptr to place description of why this op can't happen
+				pOpDesc     = ptr to the Op Desc associated with this op
+	Outputs:	-
+	Returns:	An OpState object
+	Purpose:    Func for determining the usability of this op
+	SeeAlso:	-
+OpState OpZoomTo400::GetState(String_256* Description, OpDescriptor*)
+	OpState State;
+	return State;
+>	virtual void OpZoomToo100::Do(OpDescriptor* pOpDesc)
+	Author:		Luke Hart
+	Created:	18/09/06
+	Inputs:		pointer to the OpZoomDescriptor being invoked
+	Purpose:	Calls the base class function to zoom to 400%!
+void OpZoomTo400::Do(OpDescriptor *pOpDesc)
+	// Ok! lets zoom in!
+	DocView* pDocView = DocView::GetCurrent();
+	if(pDocView)
+	{
+		const WorkRect ZoomRect = pDocView->GetViewRect();
+		ZoomTo( ZoomRect.Centre(), 400 );
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		ERROR3IF(pDocView == 0, "No current DocView found!");
+	}
 // class OpZoomIn
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/tools/zoomops.h
--- Trunk/XaraLX/tools/zoomops.h	(revision 1756)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/tools/zoomops.h	(revision 1757)
@@ -116,6 +116,10 @@
 #define OPTOKEN_ZOOMRECT		TEXT("ZoomRect")
 #define OPTOKEN_ZOOMIN			TEXT("ZoomIn")
 #define OPTOKEN_ZOOMOUT			TEXT("ZoomOut")
+#define OPTOKEN_ZOOMTO100		TEXT("Zoom100")
+#define OPTOKEN_ZOOMTO200		TEXT("Zoom200")
+#define OPTOKEN_ZOOMTO300		TEXT("Zoom300")
+#define OPTOKEN_ZOOMTO400		TEXT("Zoom400")
 // Graeme (11/11/99) - Definition of the minimum size of the drag rectangle.
 #define ZOOM_MIN_DRAG			5000
@@ -182,14 +186,16 @@
 	BOOL DoDrag(Spread* pStartSpread, const DocCoord& dcStartPos, ClickModifiers cmods);
 	virtual BOOL SnappingDrag()				{ return FALSE; }
-	// Zoom in or out by the next scale factor in the ZoomTable table.  These are normally
-	// called on click events by the OpZoom user.
+	// Zoom in or out by the next scale factor in the ZoomTable table (also zoom direct to 100%).  
+	// These are normally called on click events by the OpZoom user.
 	void ZoomOut(const WorkCoord& wcZoom, BOOL fEndOp = TRUE);
 	void ZoomOut(Spread* pZoomSpread, const DocCoord& dcZoomPos, BOOL fEndOp = TRUE);
 	void ZoomIn(const WorkCoord& wcZoom, BOOL fEndOp = TRUE);
 	void ZoomIn(Spread* pZoomSpread, const DocCoord& dcZoomPos, BOOL fEndOp = TRUE);
+	void ZoomTo( const WorkCoord& wcZoom, int Percent, BOOL fEndOp = TRUE);
 	// Zoom so that the given rectangle within the current view completely fills the
 	// current view's view-port.
 	void ZoomInOnRect(const WorkRect& wrZoom, BOOL fEndOp = TRUE);
@@ -293,6 +299,110 @@
+>	class OpZoomTo100 : public OpZoom
+	Author:		Luke Hart
+	Created:	15/09/06
+	Purpose:	This op has been written so that we can use the NumPad Plus key to fire off
+				a zoom in operation. We can`t use the zoom op directly as the hotkey code
+				calls the Do() function instead of the DoWithParam(). What this class does
+				is basically call the ZoomOps DoWithParam() from it`s Do() function.
+class OpZoomTo100 : public OpZoom
+	// Creation & destruction.
+	OpZoomTo100();
+	// A do function (at long last) so that menu and keyboard short cuts work.
+	virtual	void Do(OpDescriptor*);
+	static BOOL Init();
+	static OpState GetState(String_256* Description, OpDescriptor*);
+	// Run-time typing.
+>	class OpZoomTo200 : public OpZoom
+	Author:		Luke Hart
+	Created:	15/09/06
+	Purpose:	This op has been written so that we can use the NumPad Plus key to fire off
+				a zoom in operation. We can`t use the zoom op directly as the hotkey code
+				calls the Do() function instead of the DoWithParam(). What this class does
+				is basically call the ZoomOps DoWithParam() from it`s Do() function.
+class OpZoomTo200 : public OpZoom
+	// Creation & destruction.
+	OpZoomTo200();
+	// A do function (at long last) so that menu and keyboard short cuts work.
+	virtual	void Do(OpDescriptor*);
+	static BOOL Init();
+	static OpState GetState(String_256* Description, OpDescriptor*);
+	// Run-time typing.
+>	class OpZoomTo300 : public OpZoom
+	Author:		Luke Hart
+	Created:	15/09/06
+	Purpose:	This op has been written so that we can use the NumPad Plus key to fire off
+				a zoom in operation. We can`t use the zoom op directly as the hotkey code
+				calls the Do() function instead of the DoWithParam(). What this class does
+				is basically call the ZoomOps DoWithParam() from it`s Do() function.
+class OpZoomTo300 : public OpZoom
+	// Creation & destruction.
+	OpZoomTo300();
+	// A do function (at long last) so that menu and keyboard short cuts work.
+	virtual	void Do(OpDescriptor*);
+	static BOOL Init();
+	static OpState GetState(String_256* Description, OpDescriptor*);
+	// Run-time typing.
+>	class OpZoomTo400 : public OpZoom
+	Author:		Luke Hart
+	Created:	15/09/06
+	Purpose:	This op has been written so that we can use the NumPad Plus key to fire off
+				a zoom in operation. We can`t use the zoom op directly as the hotkey code
+				calls the Do() function instead of the DoWithParam(). What this class does
+				is basically call the ZoomOps DoWithParam() from it`s Do() function.
+class OpZoomTo400 : public OpZoom
+	// Creation & destruction.
+	OpZoomTo400();
+	// A do function (at long last) so that menu and keyboard short cuts work.
+	virtual	void Do(OpDescriptor*);
+	static BOOL Init();
+	static OpState GetState(String_256* Description, OpDescriptor*);
+	// Run-time typing.
 >	class OpZoomDescriptor : public OpDescriptor
 	Author:		Justin_Flude (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/xrc/EN/xaralx-bars.xrc
--- Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/xrc/EN/xaralx-bars.xrc	(revision 1756)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/xrc/EN/xaralx-bars.xrc	(revision 1757)
@@ -1004,6 +1004,14 @@
+			</object>	
+			<object class="sizeritem">
+                <flag>wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL</flag>
+                <border>1</border>
+                <object class="wxCamArtControl" name="IDPB_ZOOM_100_BUTTON">
+                    <camartstyle>wxCACS_PUSHBUTTON|wxCACS_ALLOWHOVER</camartstyle>
+                    <optoken>Zoom100</optoken>
+                </object>
             <object class="sizeritem">
@@ -3494,7 +3502,20 @@
+			</object>
+			<object class="sizeritem">
+                <flag>wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL</flag>
+                <border>1</border>
+                <object class="wxCamArtControl" name="IDPB_ZOOM_100_BUTTON">
+                    <camartstyle>wxCACS_PUSHBUTTON|wxCACS_ALLOWHOVER</camartstyle>
+                    <optoken>Zoom100</optoken>
+                </object>
+            <object class="spacer">
+                <flag>wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL</flag>
+                <border>1</border>
+                <size>3,28</size>
+            </object>
             <object class="sizeritem">
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/xrc/EN/justin-strings.xrc
--- Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/xrc/EN/justin-strings.xrc	(revision 1756)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/xrc/EN/justin-strings.xrc	(revision 1757)
@@ -78,6 +78,30 @@
 			<object class="sizeritem">
+				<object class="wxStaticText" name="IDBBL_ZOOMTO100">
+					<label>Zoom to 100%</label>
+				</object>
+			</object>
+			<object class="sizeritem">
+				<flag>wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL|wxADJUST_MINSIZE</flag>
+				<object class="wxStaticText" name="IDBBL_ZOOMTO200">
+					<label>Zoom to 200%</label>
+			</object>
+			</object>
+				<object class="sizeritem">
+				<flag>wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL|wxADJUST_MINSIZE</flag>
+				<object class="wxStaticText" name="IDBBL_ZOOMTO300">
+					<label>Zoom to 300%</label>
+			</object>
+			</object>
+				<object class="sizeritem">
+				<flag>wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL|wxADJUST_MINSIZE</flag>
+				<object class="wxStaticText" name="IDBBL_ZOOM4O100">
+					<label>Zoom to 400%</label>
+				</object>
+			</object>
+			<object class="sizeritem">
+				<flag>wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL|wxADJUST_MINSIZE</flag>
 				<object class="wxStaticText" name="IDBBL_PUSH_TOOLICON">
 					<label>Push Tool Shift+F8</label>
@@ -1170,6 +1194,12 @@
 			<object class="sizeritem">
+				<object class="wxStaticText" name="IDS_ZOOMTO100">
+					<label>Zoom to &amp;100%;Zooms current drawing to 100%;Zoom to &amp;100%</label>
+				</object>
+			</object>
+			<object class="sizeritem">
+				<flag>wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL|wxADJUST_MINSIZE</flag>
 				<object class="wxStaticText" name="IDS_ZOOMOUT">
 					<label>Zoom Out of &amp;page;Zooms out of the current drawing;Zoom Out of &amp;page</label>
