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[XaraXtreme-dev] Font system update

Find attached a fairly comprehensive font system update. It reports 
the real font type (TrueType or Type1) [fixes bug #1066], it no longer 
lists bitmap fonts and virtual fonts [fixes bug #1076] it scans the 
available fonts on start-up and and it caches the font list (and in 
theory, updates it incrementally if the underlying system returns an 
updated font list). Knowing the real font type allows font information 
to be saved and reloaded correctly. The font system should cope with 
fonts being deinstalled behind its back, which now leads to an error 
("Please select a valid installed font") when the font is selected 
instead of a crash as happened previously.

scan fonts on start-up

changed FTFont to have its own font class field; added font list cache

implemented font list cache, improved font access code by checking for 
unusual error conditions (e.g., a valid PangoFc font that does not 
have an associated FreeType structure)

changed dispatch code to act on conventional font classes rather than 

removed font class FC_FREETYPE

removed FC_FREETYPE case

Index: Kernel/fontman.cpp
--- Kernel/fontman.cpp	(Revision 1134)
+++ Kernel/fontman.cpp	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -527,6 +527,11 @@
 BOOL FontManager::Init()
+	// initialise the OIL cache of enumerated fonts by simply enumerating them
+	// and ignoring the result - since we do not want to see the names, we do
+	// not even have to create a subclass
+	OILEnumFonts enumerator;
+	enumerator.Execute();
 	if (!CacheDefaultFont())	
 		ERROR3("FontManager::Init() - Unable to cache the default font");
Index: wxOil/ftfonts.h
--- wxOil/ftfonts.h	(Revision 1134)
+++ wxOil/ftfonts.h	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -122,14 +122,48 @@
-	 FTFont();
+	 FTFont(FontClass fc = FC_UNDEFINED);
-	virtual FontClass GetFontClass() { return FC_FREETYPE; };
+	virtual FontClass GetFontClass() { return m_FontClass; };
 	virtual void Dump();
+ private:
+	// fonts managed by FreeType can be TrueType fonts or Type1 fonts
+	FontClass m_FontClass;
+>	class FTFontCacheEntry
+	Author:		Martin Wuerthner <xara@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+	Created:	19/05/06
+	Purpose:	an entry in the new font list cache - used as the value part of a key/value
+				pair where the key is the face name wrapped in an ENUMLOGFONT structure
+class FTFontCacheEntry
+ public:
+	FontClass m_Class;
+	BOOL m_Referenced;               // used during recaching
+	FTFontCacheEntry(FontClass Class, BOOL Referenced):
+		m_Class(Class), m_Referenced(Referenced) {}
+	FTFontCacheEntry(): m_Class(FC_UNDEFINED), m_Referenced(FALSE) {}
+// we need to be able to compare ENUMLOGFONTs so we can use them as the keys of a map
+bool operator<(ENUMLOGFONT &e1, ENUMLOGFONT &e2);
+// Our font list cache is simply a map from font name to class (plus flags).
+// This allows us to add/list entries easily and find out whether a specific
+// font is in the cache in logarithmic time (for incremental cache updates).
+// Using ENUMLOGFONTs as keys allows us to enumerate fonts more efficiently
+// because the Kernel expects to be passed ENUMLOGFONT structures.
+typedef map<ENUMLOGFONT,FTFontCacheEntry> FTFontCache;
 >	class FTFontMan : public CCObject
@@ -161,7 +195,7 @@
 	static BOOL		CacheCompatibleFont(String_64* pFont);
 	static void		ValidateCache();
 	static void		FindClosestFont();
-	static FTFont*	CreateNewFont(String_64* pFontName);
+	static FTFont*	CreateNewFont(String_64* pFontName, FontClass Class);
 	// extract the Panose information
 	static OUTLINETEXTMETRIC* GetOutlineTextMetric(LOGFONT *pLogFont);
@@ -176,9 +210,24 @@
 	static BOOL CacheFontCore(String_64* pFont, BOOL compatible);
+	// the font list cache - a cache of enumerated fonts
+	// do not confuse this with the kernel's font cache
+	// (which holds the fonts that have been used)
+	static FTFontCache* m_cache;
 // function called by class EnumFonts as a method for the kernel to enumerate all the installed fonts
 	static void		EnumAllFonts(OILEnumFonts* pClass);
+	// get a font class for a face name (FC_TRUETYPE or FC_ATM) - returns FC_UNDEFINED
+	// for non-scalable or virtual fonts or fonts that are not present
+	static FontClass GetFontClass(String_64& FaceName);
+	// routines for the font list cache - a cache of enumerated fonts
+	// do not confuse this with the kernel's font cache
+	static void AddFontToCache(ENUMLOGFONT& EnumLogFont);
+	static BOOL FontIsCached(ENUMLOGFONT &EnumLogFont);
+	static void UpdateCache();
Index: wxOil/ftfonts.cpp
--- wxOil/ftfonts.cpp	(Revision 1134)
+++ wxOil/ftfonts.cpp	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -119,6 +119,7 @@
 #include FT_FREETYPE_H
 #include FT_OUTLINE_H
+#include FT_TYPE1_TABLES_H
 #ifdef __WXGTK20__
 #include <gtk/gtk.h>
@@ -130,22 +131,34 @@
 #define new CAM_DEBUG_NEW     
+// static class members
+FTFontCache* FTFontMan::m_cache = NULL;
 // forward declarations
 static PangoContext* GetPangoContext();
 static BOOL ToASCII(TCHAR* src, char* buffer, UINT32 len);
+static BOOL GetPangoFcFontAndFreeTypeFaceForFaceName(String_64* pFaceName,
+													 PangoFcFont** ppPangoFcFont, FT_Face* ppFreeTypeFace);
+// compare ENUMLOGFONT structures - needed to allow use to use ENUMLOGFONTs as map keys
+bool operator<(const ENUMLOGFONT &e1, const ENUMLOGFONT &e2)
+	return e1.elfLogFont.FaceName.CompareTo(e2.elfLogFont.FaceName, FALSE) < 0;
 >	FTFont::FTFont()
-	Author:		Mike_Kenny (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
-	Created:	12/09/95				
-	Purpose:	Default constructor
+	Author:		Martin Wuerthner <xara@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+	Created:	18/05/06
+	Purpose:	Constructor
+FTFont::FTFont(FontClass fc)
+	m_FontClass = fc;
@@ -166,8 +179,8 @@
 >	void FTFont::Dump()
-	Author:		Mike_Kenny (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
-	Created:	12/09/95
+	Author:		Martin Wuerthner <xara@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+	Created:	18/05/06
 	Purpose:	Dump the contents of this cache entry out
@@ -175,7 +188,12 @@
 void FTFont::Dump()
-	TRACE( _T(" FontClass = FreeType\n"));
+	if (m_FontClass == FC_TRUETYPE)
+		TRACE( _T(" FontClass = TrueType\n"));
+	else if (m_FontClass == FC_ATM)
+		TRACE( _T(" FontClass = ATM\n"));
+	else 
+		TRACE( _T(" FontClass = <unknown>\n"));
@@ -210,10 +228,10 @@
 // debugging routine to conveniently output a String_64 string
-static void DumpString64User(char* user, TCHAR* msg, String_64* pString)
+static void DumpString64User(char* user, TCHAR* msg, const String_64* pString)
 	TRACEUSER(user, msg);
-	TRACEUSER(user, (TCHAR*)(*pString));  // use TCHAR* conversion operator
+	TRACEUSER(user, (const TCHAR*)(*pString));  // use TCHAR* conversion operator
@@ -290,8 +308,13 @@
 	FontManager* pFontMan = pApp->GetFontManager();
 	OurEnumLogFont.elfLogFont.FaceName = OurFontName;
-	pFontMan->SetTempFont(FC_FREETYPE, &OurFontName, &OurEnumLogFont);  // kernel copies the ENUMLOGFONT structure
-	return TRUE;
+	FontClass Class = GetFontClass(OurFontName);
+	if (Class == FC_TRUETYPE || Class == FC_ATM)
+	{
+		pFontMan->SetTempFont(Class, &OurFontName, &OurEnumLogFont);  // kernel copies the ENUMLOGFONT structure
+		return TRUE;
+	}
+	return FALSE;
@@ -362,6 +385,55 @@
 // Font enumeration
 // ****************
+>	FontClass FTFontMan::GetFontClass(String_64& FaceName)
+	Author:		Martin Wuerthner <xara@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+	Created:	18/05/06
+	Inputs:		FaceName - the name of the font we want to enquire about
+	Purpose:	Checks that the font is installed, is scalable and not a virtual font.
+				Reports	FC_TRUETYPE or FC_ATM. Reports FC_UNDEFINED if either of the above
+				is not true or if the type could not be established.
+FontClass FTFontMan::GetFontClass(String_64& FaceName)
+	FontClass fc = FC_UNDEFINED;
+	PangoFcFont* pPangoFcFont;
+	FT_Face pFreeTypeFace;
+	if (GetPangoFcFontAndFreeTypeFaceForFaceName(&FaceName, &pPangoFcFont, &pFreeTypeFace))
+	{
+		// At this stage, we know that the font is scalable, otherwise the above call
+		// would have returned an error already. Now, check whether this is a virtual
+		// font (e.g., "Monospace") presented to us by fontconfig. We do that by reading
+		// back the family name and comparing it to the one we passed.
+		PangoFontDescription *pRealDesc = pango_font_describe((PangoFont*)pPangoFcFont);
+		wxString wxName(pango_font_description_get_family(pRealDesc), wxConvUTF8);
+		String_64 OurFontName(wxName);
+		pango_font_description_free(pRealDesc);
+		if (OurFontName.CompareTo(FaceName, FALSE) == 0)
+		{
+			PS_FontInfoRec PSRec;
+			if (FT_Get_PS_Font_Info(pFreeTypeFace, &PSRec) != FT_Err_Invalid_Argument)
+				fc = FC_ATM;
+			else
+			{
+				if (FT_IS_SFNT(pFreeTypeFace)) fc = FC_TRUETYPE;
+				else
+				{
+					// scalable, but not PS-based and not SFNT-based, so not TrueType either
+					// ignore this for the time being, but we can probably support this type
+					// of font
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		pango_fc_font_unlock_face(pPangoFcFont);
+	}
+	return fc;
 // To enumerate fonts using wxWidgets we need to derive from wxFontEnumerator
 // and override the OnFacename method
 class ClosestFontEnumerator: public wxFontEnumerator
@@ -389,10 +461,12 @@
 	// we need to pass a ENUMLOGFONT structure to the kernel
 	// we can pass pointers to transient structures - the kernel copies the data if it is the
 	// best match so far
+	String_64 OurFontName = font;
 	OurEnumLogFont.elfLogFont.FaceName = font;
 	FontManager* pFontMan = GetApplication()->GetFontManager();
-	return pFontMan->FindClosestFontFullTry(FC_FREETYPE, &OurEnumLogFont.elfLogFont.FaceName, &OurEnumLogFont);
+	return pFontMan->FindClosestFontFullTry(FTFontMan::GetFontClass(OurFontName),
+											&OurEnumLogFont.elfLogFont.FaceName, &OurEnumLogFont);
@@ -418,10 +492,11 @@
 class MyFontEnumerator: public wxFontEnumerator
-	MyFontEnumerator(OILEnumFonts* pOilEnumerator) { m_pOilEnumerator = pOilEnumerator; };
+	enum CacheAction { FillCache, UpdateCache };
+	MyFontEnumerator(CacheAction action) { m_action = action; }
 	bool OnFacename(const wxString& font);         // TYPENOTE: Correct - overriding wx method
-	OILEnumFonts* m_pOilEnumerator;
+	CacheAction m_action;
@@ -431,20 +506,136 @@
 	Author:		Martin Wuerthner <xara@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 	Created:	06/03/06
 	Inputs:		font - the Facename of an enumerated font
-	Purpose:	Callback function for font enumeration - passes call on to the OilEnumerator
+	Purpose:	Callback function for font enumeration - fills/updates the font list cache
 bool MyFontEnumerator::OnFacename(const wxString& font)
 	// we need to pass a ENUMLOGFONT structure to the kernel
+	String_64 OurFontName = font;
-	OurEnumLogFont.elfLogFont.FaceName = font;
-	return m_pOilEnumerator->NewFont(FC_FREETYPE, &OurEnumLogFont);   // NB - kernel copies the structure
+	OurEnumLogFont.elfLogFont.FaceName = OurFontName;
+	if (m_action == FillCache)
+	{
+		// first of all, add the font to our cache list - we do that even with fonts that
+		// we cannot use, so we can easily see when the available font set has changed
+		FTFontMan::AddFontToCache(OurEnumLogFont);
+		TRACEUSER("wuerthne", _T("%s added to font list cache"), (TCHAR*)OurFontName);
+	}
+	else if (m_action == UpdateCache)
+	{
+		// check whether the font is in the cache already
+		// if it is, update its Referenced field as a side-effect
+		if (!FTFontMan::FontIsCached(OurEnumLogFont))
+		{
+			// not yet cached, so add it now
+			FTFontMan::AddFontToCache(OurEnumLogFont);
+			TRACEUSER("wuerthne", _T("%s added to font list cache"), (TCHAR*)OurFontName);
+		}
+	}
+	return TRUE;
+>	FTFontMan::FontIsCached(ENUMLOGFONT &EnumLogFont)
+	Author:		Martin Wuerthner <xara@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+	Created:	19/05/06
+	Inputs:		EnumLogFont - the face name wrapped in a LOGFONT/ENUMLOGFONT structure
+	Returns:    TRUE if the font is in the cache
+	Purpose:	Check whether the given font is in the font list cache
+				If it is, update its Referenced field as a side-effect
+BOOL FTFontMan::FontIsCached(ENUMLOGFONT &EnumLogFont)
+	FTFontCache::iterator it = m_cache->find(EnumLogFont);
+	if (it != m_cache->end())
+	{
+		(*it).second.m_Referenced = TRUE;
+		return TRUE;
+	}
+	return FALSE;
+>	FTFontMan::AddFontToCache(ENUMLOGFONT &EnumLogFont)
+	Author:		Martin Wuerthner <xara@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+	Created:	19/05/06
+	Inputs:		EnumLogFont - the face name wrapped in a LOGFONT/ENUMLOGFONT structure
+	Purpose:	Add the given font to the font list cache
+void FTFontMan::AddFontToCache(ENUMLOGFONT &EnumLogFont)
+	FontClass OurFontClass = FTFontMan::GetFontClass(EnumLogFont.elfLogFont.FaceName);
+	FTFontCacheEntry OurEntry(OurFontClass, TRUE);
+	(*m_cache)[EnumLogFont] = OurEntry;
+>	FTFontMan::UpdateCache()
+	Author:		Martin Wuerthner <xara@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+	Created:	19/05/06
+	Inputs:		-
+	Purpose:	Update the font list cache to reflect the wxWidgets font enumeration
+void FTFontMan::UpdateCache()
+	MyFontEnumerator::CacheAction action;
+	if (m_cache)
+	{
+		// we already have a cache, so just update it incrementally
+		action = MyFontEnumerator::UpdateCache;
+		// we want to purge entries that are no longer installed, so mark all entries as unreferenced
+		// the cache update step will mark all the fonts it finds as Referenced
+		for (FTFontCache::iterator it = m_cache->begin(); it != m_cache->end(); ++it)
+			(*it).second.m_Referenced = FALSE;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		// initial run
+		m_cache = new FTFontCache;
+		action = MyFontEnumerator::FillCache;
+	}
+	MyFontEnumerator FontEnumerator(action);
+	FontEnumerator.EnumerateFacenames();
+	if (action == MyFontEnumerator::UpdateCache) {
+		// delete all fonts that have been deinstalled since we last checked
+		for (FTFontCache::iterator it = m_cache->begin(); it != m_cache->end();)
+		{
+			if (!(*it).second.m_Referenced)
+			{
+				TRACEUSER("wuerthne", _T("%s removed from font list cache"),
+						  (const TCHAR*)((*it).first.elfLogFont.FaceName));
+				// NB - it++ first increments the iterator, then returns the iterator
+				//      to the current element, which is then deleted - this is safe,
+				//      as opposed to first deleting and then incrementing
+				m_cache->erase(it++);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				++it;		
+			}
+		}
+	}
 >	static void FTFontMan::EnumAllFonts(OILEnumFonts* pOilEnumerator)
 	Author:		Martin Wuerthner <xara@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
@@ -457,14 +648,28 @@
 void FTFontMan::EnumAllFonts(OILEnumFonts* pOilEnumerator)
 	// use wxWidgets to enumerate all font families
-	TRACEUSER("wuerthne", _T("FTFonMan::EnumAllFonts"));
-	MyFontEnumerator WxEnumerator(pOilEnumerator);
-	WxEnumerator.EnumerateFacenames();	
+	TRACEUSER("wuerthne", _T("FTFontMan::EnumAllFonts"));
+	// we cache the results so we first check whether the cache can still be used
+	UpdateCache();
+	// now, simply return the information from the cache
+	BOOL go_on = TRUE;
+	for (FTFontCache::iterator it = m_cache->begin(); go_on && it != m_cache->end(); ++it)
+	{
+		FontClass OurFontClass = (*it).second.m_Class;
+		if (OurFontClass == FC_TRUETYPE || OurFontClass == FC_ATM)
+		{
+			ENUMLOGFONT EnumLogFont = (*it).first;
+			go_on = pOilEnumerator->NewFont(OurFontClass, &EnumLogFont);
+		}
+	}
+	TRACEUSER("wuerthne", _T("FTFontMan::EnumAllFonts done"));
->	FTFont* FTFontMan::CreateNewFont(String_64* pFontName)
+>	FontBase* FTFontMan::CreateNewFont(String_64* pFontName)
 	Author:		Mike_Kenny (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
 	Created:	12/9/95
@@ -476,13 +681,11 @@
-FTFont* FTFontMan::CreateNewFont(String_64* pFontName)
+FTFont* FTFontMan::CreateNewFont(String_64* pFontName, FontClass Class)
 	DumpString64User("wuerthne", _T("FTFontMan::CreateNewFont"), pFontName);
-	FTFont *pFont = new FTFont;
-	if (pFont==NULL)
-		return NULL;
-	if (!pFont->Initialise(pFontName))
+	FTFont* pFont = new FTFont(Class);
+	if (pFont && !pFont->Initialise(pFontName))
 		delete pFont;
 		return NULL;
@@ -577,7 +780,7 @@
 static PangoFont* GetPangoFontForFaceName(String_64* pFaceName, BOOL IsBold, BOOL IsItalic)
-	DumpString64User("wuerthne", _T("FTFontMan::GetPangoFontForFaceName"), pFaceName);
+	// DumpString64User("wuerthne", _T("FTFontMan::GetPangoFontForFaceName"), pFaceName);
 	char ASCIIFaceName[64]; // TYPENOTE: correct (needed as parameter to Pango)
 	if (!ToASCII(*pFaceName, ASCIIFaceName, 64)) return NULL;
@@ -708,16 +911,22 @@
 	// The magic call to get at the underlying FreeType data
 	// We must unlock this before returning!
 	FT_Face pFreeTypeFace = pango_fc_font_lock_face(pFcFont);
+	if (!pFreeTypeFace) {
+		pango_fc_font_unlock_face(pFcFont);
+		return FALSE;
+	}
 	// The default charmap is always unicode if present, but we may
 	// have a symbol font which we may want to drive in symbol mode.
-	// Check whether there is just an Adobe custom encoding in addition
-	// to the synthesized unicode charmap and if so, use that instead.
+	// Check whether there is just an Adobe custom or MS Symbol encoding
+	// in addition to the synthesized unicode charmap and if so, use that
+	// instead.
 	FT_CharMap pCustomCharmap = NULL;
 	for (int mapnum = 0; mapnum < pFreeTypeFace->num_charmaps; mapnum++)
 		FT_CharMap pThisMap = pFreeTypeFace->charmaps[mapnum];
-		if (pThisMap->encoding == FT_ENCODING_ADOBE_CUSTOM) {
+		if (pThisMap->encoding == FT_ENCODING_ADOBE_CUSTOM
+			|| pThisMap->encoding == FT_ENCODING_MS_SYMBOL) {
 			pCustomCharmap = pThisMap;
 			// we go on checking the other encodings
@@ -730,11 +939,12 @@
 	if (pCustomCharmap) FT_Set_Charmap(pFreeTypeFace, pCustomCharmap);
-	// We should not have seen non-scalable fonts anyway, but just in case...
+	// We do not support non-scalable fonts - do not report an error, this routine
+	// is called during font enumeration and simply returns FALSE in this case
 	if (!FT_IS_SCALABLE(pFreeTypeFace))
-		ERROR2(FALSE, "FTFontMan - face not scalable!");
+		return FALSE;
 	*ppPangoFcFont = pFcFont;
 	*ppFreeTypeFace = pFreeTypeFace;
Index: wxOil/fontbase.cpp
--- wxOil/fontbase.cpp	(Revision 1134)
+++ wxOil/fontbase.cpp	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -201,9 +201,10 @@
 	switch (Class)
 		case FC_ATM:
-PORTNOTE("text","ATM never OK")
 			return ATMFontMan::IsOkToCall();
+#elif defined(__WXGTK__)
+			return FTFontMan::IsOkToCall();
 			return FALSE;
@@ -211,21 +212,16 @@
 		case FC_TRUETYPE:
 			return TTFontMan::IsOkToCall();
-			return FALSE;
-			break;
-		case FC_FREETYPE:
-#ifdef __WXGTK__
+#elif defined(__WXGTK__)
 			return FTFontMan::IsOkToCall();
 			return FALSE;
+			ERROR3("Unknown font class passed to OILFontMan::IsOkToCall()");
-	ERROR3("Unknown font class passed to OILFontMan::IsOkToCall()");
 	return FALSE;
@@ -283,10 +279,12 @@
 				case FC_TRUETYPE:
-PORTNOTE("text","We do not use TTFontMan in wxOil")
 					return TTFontMan::CacheNamedFont(pFontName);
+#elif defined(__WXGTK__)
+					return FTFontMan::CacheNamedFont(pFontName);
+PORTNOTE("text","We do not use TTFontMan in wxOil")
 					return FALSE;
@@ -294,25 +292,17 @@
 				case FC_ATM:
-PORTNOTE("text","Never cache ATM font")
 					return ATMFontMan::CacheNamedFont(pFontName);
+#elif defined(__WXGTK__)
+					return FTFontMan::CacheNamedFont(pFontName);
+PORTNOTE("text","Never cache ATM font")
 					return FALSE;
-				case FC_FREETYPE:
-				{
-#ifdef __WXGTK__
-					return FTFontMan::CacheNamedFont(pFontName);
-					return FALSE;
-					break;
-				}
 					ERROR3("Unknown font class passed to OILFontMan::CacheNamedFont()");
@@ -347,10 +337,12 @@
 				case FC_TRUETYPE:
-PORTNOTE("text","We do not use TTFontMan in wxOil")
 					return TTFontMan::CacheCompatibleFont(pFontName);
+#elif defined(__WXGTK__)
+					return FTFontMan::CacheCompatibleFont(pFontName);
+PORTNOTE("text","We do not use TTFontMan in wxOil")
 					return FALSE;
@@ -358,24 +350,16 @@
 				case FC_ATM:
-PORTNOTE("text","Never cache ATM font")
 					return ATMFontMan::CacheCompatibleFont(pFontName);
+#elif defined(__WXGTK__)
+					return FTFontMan::CacheCompatibleFont(pFontName);
+PORTNOTE("text","Never cache ATM font")
 					return FALSE;
-				case FC_FREETYPE:
-				{
-#ifdef __WXGTK__
-					return FTFontMan::CacheCompatibleFont(pFontName);
-					return FALSE;
-					break;
-				}
 					ERROR3("Unknown font class passed to OILFontMan::CacheNamedFont()");
@@ -460,27 +444,23 @@
 	switch (Class)
-		case FC_FREETYPE:
-#ifdef __WXGTK__
-			return FTFontMan::CreateNewFont(pFontName);
-			return NULL;
-			break;
 		case FC_TRUETYPE:
-PORTNOTE("text","We do not use TTFontMan in wxOil")
 			return TTFontMan::CreateNewFont(pFontName);
+#elif defined(__WXGTK__)
+			return FTFontMan::CreateNewFont(pFontName, Class);
+PORTNOTE("text","We do not use TTFontMan in wxOil")
 			return NULL;
 		case FC_ATM:
-PORTNOTE("text","ATM deactivated")
 			return ATMFontMan::CreateNewFont(pFontName);
+#elif defined(__WXGTK__)
+			return FTFontMan::CreateNewFont(pFontName, Class);
+PORTNOTE("text","ATM deactivated")
 			return NULL;
@@ -510,33 +490,30 @@
 	switch (Class)
-		case FC_FREETYPE:
-#ifdef __WXGTK__
-			return FTFontMan::GetOutlineTextMetric(pLogFont);
-			return NULL;
-			break;
 		case FC_TRUETYPE:
-PORTNOTE("text","TT deactivated")
 			return TTFontMan::GetOutlineTextMetric(pLogFont);
+#elif defined(__WXGTK__)
+			return FTFontMan::GetOutlineTextMetric(pLogFont);
+PORTNOTE("text","TT deactivated")
 			return NULL;
 		case FC_ATM:
-PORTNOTE("text","ATM deactivated")
 			return ATMFontMan::GetOutlineTextMetric(pLogFont);
+#elif defined(__WXGTK__)
+			return FTFontMan::GetOutlineTextMetric(pLogFont);
+PORTNOTE("text","ATM deactivated")
 			return NULL;
+			ERROR3("OILFontMan::CreateNewFont() - Unknown font class");
-	ERROR3("OILFontMan::CreateNewFont() - Unknown font class");
 	return NULL;
@@ -851,33 +828,31 @@
 	switch (fclass)
 		case FC_TRUETYPE:
-PORTNOTE("text","TrueType deactivated")
 			Success = TextManager::GetTTCharPath(ChDesc, ppCoords, ppVerbs, pNumCoords, pDC);
+#elif defined(__WXGTK__)
+			Success = FTFontMan::GetCharOutline(ChDesc, ppCoords, ppVerbs, pNumCoords, pDC);
+			PORTNOTE("text","TrueType deactivated")
 		case FC_ATM:
-PORTNOTE("text","ATM deactivated")
 			Success = ATMFontMan::GetCharOutline(ChDesc, ppCoords, ppVerbs, pNumCoords, pDC);
-			break;
-		case FC_FREETYPE:
-#ifdef __WXGTK__
+#elif defined(__WXGTK__)
 			Success = FTFontMan::GetCharOutline(ChDesc, ppCoords, ppVerbs, pNumCoords, pDC);
-			Success = FALSE;
+			PORTNOTE("text","ATM deactivated")
+			ERROR3("Unknown font class in OILFontMan::GetCharPath");
-	ERROR3IF(Success==FALSE,"Unknown font class in OILFontMan::GetCharPath");
 	return Success;
@@ -1576,6 +1551,7 @@
 	// Add any further OIL Level font managers here
+// Kernel routines using this class override this method
 BOOL OILEnumFonts::NewFont(FontClass Class, ENUMLOGFONT *lpelf)
 	return FALSE;
Index: wxOil/fontclass.h
--- wxOil/fontclass.h	(Revision 1134)
+++ wxOil/fontclass.h	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -114,7 +114,6 @@
 	// Add further font classes before this
Index: wxOil/fontdrop.cpp
--- wxOil/fontdrop.cpp	(Revision 1134)
+++ wxOil/fontdrop.cpp	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -606,10 +606,6 @@
 			BitmapID = _R(IDB_ATM_SYMBOL);
-		case FC_FREETYPE:
-			break;
 			BitmapID = 0;